Thursday 9 July 2015

Week Two - Foody

It's Friday morning, and I kinda feel like I'm cheating writing my blog post now.  I've been so excited to write Week 2 that I am out of bed on a freezing cold morning to start, when my blogging conscience is saying "uh uh, Friday only just started, you have to wait til Friday afternoon!"

Well, I am rebelling.

Plus, I am going to Perth again this afternoon, and blogging while driving is not recommended.

Ok, so now I can share THESE AWESOME PHOTOS with you.

I call these 3 images: Men carrying things to do with football

A beautiful head of hair; iconic almost.
Lots of this

We won - in fact we killed them. Go Tigers!

There is something truly special about country AFL. There's passion, there's pies, there's a whole lot of old men standing around in front of the bar yelling encouragement in the most ocker fashion possible. It's all there, friends.

Now, I must confess I did have a little scheme up my sleeve when I set out for the footy last weekend.  I had it by a reliable source that the club was holding a reunion of sorts that day. I decided this was my opportunity to make myself known in Dowerin. The plan went something like this:

Step 1: Dress in your best op-shop jumper, preferably a nice bright colour that no-one is going to miss (I chose lush lawn green).

Step 2: Just happen to have your whole camera arsenal with you as you stroll to the footy.

Step 3: Buy a sausage roll.

Step 4: Mention to the canteen lady that you noticed they are having a function, and enquire as to who is running the function.

Step 5: Eat sausage roll.

Step 6: Go and prop yourself in a conspicuous location somewhere along the fence line and take photos of the footy with the longest lens you have. Look like you know what you're doing.

Step 7: Find person running event and offer your professional services, since you happen to have all your gear with you.

Step 8: Refuse all payment, except food and drink.

Congratulations, you have successfully become the official photographer of the Dowerin/Wylie reunion celebration of 2015 in under half an hour!

Being the new girl in town, alone at a country football match, is not a fun situation to be in. However, being the ordained club photographer who has a legitimate reason to talk to people makes breaking in to the scene a whole lot easier.

First I met Scotty and his wife Wendy. They duly asked about me and how I happened to be there. I informed them of my reason for moving from Brisbane, where I was staying and why, and carried on.

Next I photographed a rather large man and his wife, again regurgitating my story and moving on to the next shot.

After an hour or so, a funny thing happened. The conversations started sounding more like this:

"Hello hello, you're that new girl who moved from Brisbane andz house sitting the Heard's place, arncha?"

Introduction no longer required.

Small town grapevines get information out better than any mass text message ever could.

I made lots of new introductions that evening, and even made a friend! Sonia is the wife of the club president and we arranged to 'do coffee' sometime later in the week. I headed to her place on Wednesday. Maynard, her gorgeous little 6 month old boy, is a fan of Sia. I was suitably impressed.

Music connoisseur Maynard 

Other highlights this week include:

- my first shift at the roadhouse

- my second and third shift at the roadhouse

- having the pedal on my bike fall off 2 kms from home, and then deciding that riding a one-pedal bike home was still better than pushing. This caused an awkward knee-and-ankle angle to occur that was not sustainable for long. Luckily it was mostly down hill. I thought of the saying "In the world of the blind, the one eyed man is king" as I was making my way home, but somehow I couldn't quite adapt that saying well enough to pedals and bikes...

-  The very nice lady at the resource centre sent me an email with a link to an awesome job she thought I would like. Aww.

- Teegan, the other nice lady at the resource centre, called me to let me know netball training was cancelled. I have no idea how she got my number (grapevine? I don't remember giving it out??) but I was grateful all the same.

And so caps off Week 2 in Dowerin. I do have a few more stories, but I can't give away everything in one go.

Oh, and Elmo says hi. He has been finding it tough to adjust to the cold, poor darling. He likes the fire, blankets and my bed with the electric blanket.

Ok, off to organise myself for Perth.

Happy weekend!

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